Finally we can set up our torrent box. For you know.. downloading and sharing Linux distros and open sourced software.


  1. Just in case lets update the system:
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get upgrade


  2. Now lets install deluged torrent client
    sudo apt-get install deluged
    sudo apt-get install deluge-console


  3. Lets start and stop the deluged daemon. This will create config file.
    sudo pkill deluged


  4. Lets create backup of the auth file and edit the current auth file.
    cp ~/.config/deluge/auth ~/.config/deluge/auth.old
    nano ~/.config/deluge/auth


  5.  Once inside nano, you’ll need to add a line to the bottom of the configuration. Where in user is the username you want for Deluge, password is the password you want, and the level is 10 (the full-access/administrative level for the daemon).


  6. Start Deluged and Deluged-console:


  7. Now we will do couple of configuration changes:
    config -s allow_remote True
    config allow_remote


  8. And restart Deluged.
    sudo pkill deluged


  9. At this point your deluge daemon is ready for remote access. We need to install the Deluge desktop client in order to finish the configuration. Download Deluged from the webpage. Install it and open.
  10. Once launched, navigate to Preferences -> Interface. Within the interface submenu, you’ll see a check box for “Classic Mode”. By default it is checked. Uncheck it.
  11. Click OK and then restart the Deluge desktop client. This time when Deluge starts, it will present you with the Connection Manager. Here is where you input the information about your Raspberry Pi and the Deluge installation. Click the Add button in the Connection Manger and plug in your Pi’s info like so:
  12. Back in the Connection Manager, you’ll see the entry for the Raspberry Pi; if all goes well, the indicator light will turn green or will show a check mark like so:
  13. Click Connect and you are good to go.