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Tag: Iot

Programming / Flashing Sonoff TH16 Wifi Smart switch.

Sonoff is cool little smart switch for not only home automation but for makers and hackers also, why? It’s based on ESP8266 plus it has tx/rx pins accessible and the hardware is well documented (schematics at the end of the post).

Now concerning the Sonoff original software I got it working after around 15 minutes of messing around. For some reason the app also needed my location information, sound recording,  access to SD card and so on ….. so yeah not fishy at all. After successful pairing of the switch with app everything worked fine (around 5 minutes) until the app recommended the firmware update….. aaaand its broken. After the update the device was basically just push switch. After the update no matter what I did I could not reconnect the switch to the app.

Luckily I bought it to hack it. So here we go ….

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Sending email with arduino and php.

Most of the currently available solutions for sending a simple email with arduino are bit complicated for my taste. Like knowing your SMTP server ip and the converting your password and username to bas64 like whaaat no way, ain’t nobody got time for that.

So here is a solution, BUT there are couple of small BUT-s you have to have access to some kind of web hosting solution. (There are plenty of free hosting solutions out there, like googling + registration = 3 min. I tested 😉 ). And the hosting solution has to have smtp enabled on php or supported (I didn’t find any that didn’t work). And I will show you how to check that.
We will use: Arduino Uno and WizNet W5100 ethernet shield.

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Installing MQTT Broker(Mosquitto) on Raspberry Pi

Eclipse Mosquitto™ is an open source (EPL/EDL licensed) message broker that implements the MQTT protocol. MQTT provides a lightweight method of carrying out messaging using a publish/subscribe model. This makes it suitable for “Internet of Things” messaging such as with low power sensors or mobile devices such as phones, embedded computers or microcontrollers like the Arduino. And I will show you how to install Mosquitto to RaspberryPi

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