Tutorial how to set up a aliexpress industrial modbus display.
Usually you can search for following listings: “0.56 in 4 Digit LED Display RS485 Serial Port Meter Communication RTU/ASCII Protocal”
So first the specs:
Git Good @ Tech
Tutorial how to set up a aliexpress industrial modbus display.
Usually you can search for following listings: “0.56 in 4 Digit LED Display RS485 Serial Port Meter Communication RTU/ASCII Protocal”
So first the specs:
I have been lucky. I have had very few critical hard drive failures in my life. But as time goes on rolling those dices will be more risky so.. Lets see how hard is to set up RAID array.
In this small write up I will show how to set up RAID6 array with 4 drives.
Hardware that we will use is:
RaspberryPi 3B+
5x USB memory sticks (Any size will work).
Before we start learn from my failures.
Here are couple of quick ways to set up temperature sensing with ESP32 using DS18B20 temperature sensors. Why DS18B20 you may ask. Well here is why:
So its accurate sensor with nice range. Plus its it doesn’t need analog pins because it uses 1-wire digital interface.
So lets get started…
In previous post we learned how to install MicroPython to ESP8266. In this we go trough the process with ESP32. So lets install Micropython to ESP32.
You probably know what ESP8266 is and also have heard about Python high level programming language. But did you know there is a special lean and efficient implementation of Python3 that runs on freaking microcontrollers. I know right this is amazing. Now its not full fledged Python3 with all the bells and whistles but its enough to comfortably use Python on MCU-s. Now MicroPython runs within 256k of code space and 16k of RAM. And in this tutorial I will show you how to setup your ESP8266 to run MicroPython.
Every cool project needs display. So today we going to look how to set up 2.4 TFT LCD display on arduino. Full sketch and library downloads included.
Super simple Arduino TFT SD Card reader tutorial plus alternative to Arduinos default library…
ADXL345 will give your projects ability to sense the static acceleration of gravity in tilt-sensing applications plus dynamic acceleration resulting from motion or shock. High resolution of 4mg/LSB gives ability yo measure inclination changes less than 1.0 degrees. Lets look the main Features:
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Arduino has ADC ( Analog digital converter) and PWM (Pulse with modulation) but if you need true Analog out, you are out of luck. But all is not lost. We can add the analog capability to Arduino with MCP4725 12-Bit Digital to Analog converter. This nifty chip has also on board EEPROM so you can save your last value in case of power failure. This chip has also 3.4Mbps Fast Mode I2C (Unfortunately Arduino does not support that speed), with Arduino you can update the output at around 200KHz. So lets jump in…
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