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Author: BigJay

Saleae logic Analyzer With Sigrok Pulseview Install on Linux

Some time ago I bought chinese version of Saleae Logic Analyzer. It’s quite handy 8 CH analyzer for debugging my DIY projects.
Because I mainly use Linux this is small write up (mainly for myself) how to install Sigrok software for Saleae Logic Analyzer.
For now you can still use software provided by Saleae from their homepage (, but it soon may not work with clones.

Story of Saleae is quite common. Guys developed good product, wrote the software and chinese manufacturers copied it for the 1/10 of the price. Now of course if you like the product and this is a good product, support the developers. But here’s the thing, original product cost 108 USD and for many hobbyists  this is not affordable. Especially if you use it maybe once every couple of months.

But I digress …

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Running Raspberry Pi 2 from USB drive

Until now I have used Raspberry Pi with micro SD card and while it works for some times I have had lot of corruptions. Not shutting Pi properly down plus unstable power wreak havoc on the SD card. And as you may have read from my previous tutorials I like to run servers on my Raspberry Pi so yeah SQL + logging = high read write are no way to treat small SD cards.

So for loads like that there should be more robust solution.

And for that here is small write up how to use USB thumb drive or USB hard drive as your Raspberry Pi-s root drive. You still need SD card for boot but as you learn from this tutorial it is much easier to replace the static boot drive then whole system, especially  if you haven’t backed up your system 10 seconds prior to failure.

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