In this part of the tutorial we will look closer the esp8266 sketch that will send the temperature info to our server.
Git Good @ Tech
In this part of the tutorial we will look closer the esp8266 sketch that will send the temperature info to our server.
Well F.. Nothing works. Hmm lets reboot. Nothing. Maybe its issue with external hard drive. Lets take the RPi Sd card and change the fstab file manually from different computer. While trying to open the /etc/ folder I’m greeted with following error:
Boom. Congrats you won broken filesystem. “Structure needs cleaning”.
So here is how you can maybe fix it.
This will be tutorial about how to set up RPi torrent box… oh wait i need to mount external drive ….okey then…. This WILL be tutorial about how to mount usb drive on RPi …. Wait I need to transfer large files between RPi and my PC …….fuuuuuuuu… Fine it will be tutorial about how to set up SSHFS on Raspberry Pi.
I prefer SSHFS over samba because its pain to set up samba on RPi(not really but i’m lazy) and yes if you want connect many windows or android devices its better solution but for a linux to linux file transfer it super easy and quick to set up, another downside is speed. But because I don’t transfer 100 gig files my 10MB/s is adequate.But hey the SSHFS is encrypted which is nice.
Eclipse Mosquitto™ is an open source (EPL/EDL licensed) message broker that implements the MQTT protocol. MQTT provides a lightweight method of carrying out messaging using a publish/subscribe model. This makes it suitable for “Internet of Things” messaging such as with low power sensors or mobile devices such as phones, embedded computers or microcontrollers like the Arduino. And I will show you how to install Mosquitto to RaspberryPi
In our previous post we installed MySQL server and PhpMyAdmin.
Now we gonna add new user and tables to our database using PhpMyAdmin.
With a static IP, you’ll be able to use the same IP address every time you connect to your Pi via SSH.
Before starting, make sure you have already set up and configured a way to access the command prompt. Check out my tutorial, Raspberry pi Raspbian Jessie Lite headless wifi setup tutorial to see how to do that if you haven’t already. Lets begin.
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